1. June, 2023
The story of XReach started in 2017 with a customer’s request. A special team has been developing our remote support solution ever since. Today, the XReach remote support solution works with modern smart glasses, among other tools. Read the whole story!
10. May, 2023
Augmented reality, smart glasses, embedded systems, cloud services – the modern age is a full of options. Remote support solutions are also available but choosing the right one may be difficult. A suitable remote connection platform can have a positive impact on a company’s entire business.
10. April, 2023
The XReach remote support solution is the subject of worldwide interest, and no wonder – the platform enhances work performance and improves productivity. Discover how your company can benefit from remote support.
10. March, 2023
Has your company come across a situation that your own maintenance team could not resolve? Assistance from an external expert was probably sorely needed. A remote support solution can bring in experts from anywhere in the world to help your field team in real time. Best of all, remote support has many other benefits for your business.
8. October, 2022
XR technologies offer many benefits in different business areas. This means a great competitive advantage for those companies that understand the potential of these technologies and are utilizing or are starting to utilize X-Reality in their business.
5. June, 2022
Power systems are becoming more intelligent and complex. To answer these challenges, fieldworkers need new types of competences and support. In Smart Otaniemi, Softability aims to tackle these issues by developing a custom-made remote platform for supporting grid maintenance. Read more!
18. January, 2022
Softability´s Mikko Luukkonen was speaking at the Data Business Forum 2020 virtual event on how data collected with a remote support solution can be utilized in business development. The studio interview can be viewed at the end of the article.
14. December, 2021
Viesti remote support solution uses smart ticketing system. Video and audio communication system brings field workers and experts together all over the world in real-time.
15. October, 2021
XReach is a remote support solution designed for industrial use. XReach has a wide range of built-in customizable features, the latest being Ad Hoc and Teleconference. Read more!
11. October, 2021
Though ruggedized tablets typically use platforms familiar to workers and can be easy to use, the reality is that the majority of manufacturing employees work with their hands. Using tablets in manufacturing decreases worker productivity and situational awareness. In this webinar, Softability and RealWear will discuss how to tackle the problem and present the solutions available to it.
21. May, 2021
Get to know of our webinar on “Remote support – The Virtual collaboration tool in the industry”, where we discuss the essentials to ensure business continuity, empower your workforce and support your frontline workers.
13. April, 2021
We have implemented several successful XR solutions for our customers. Now some of these common use cases can be seen and felt in our new XR Showroom in Vantaa. Come, see and experience how XR could benefit your business!
12. March, 2021
Sharp selected Softability as a remote support software supplier for its DynaEdge AR100 smart glass solution. DynaEdge AR100 is a smart glass solution to which Softability offers XReach remote support software tailored for customer needs. Read more!
22. February, 2021
XReach solution is a customizable remote support platform that brings many benefits to different areas of the business. Now XReach also works with RealWear HMT-1 smart glasses, allowing you to work completely hands-free. Read more!
21. January, 2021
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions implemented Softability´s XReach remote support solution for global use last fall. The solution allows front-line workers to receive company-wide support remotely even in challenging conditions. Now XReach is already in use in Australia, North America expanding to Europe, South America and Asia. Read more!
18. December, 2020
Softability’s XReach is a remote support solution designed specifically for industry. In this video Sandvik Mining & Rock Technology and VTT tell about their customer experiences of XReach in the mining sector and smart grid.
26. August, 2020
Remote work also took a huge step forward in manufacturing. Wärtsilä and Kalmar have been developing remote maintenance services for years, but now they finally got a breakthrough.
18. June, 2020
The XReach remote support solution developed by Softability is suitable for maintenance, installation and training needs. According to Blue Ocean Oy, a company specialized in the sale and brokerage of sailboats and motorboats, there is a need for a remote support solution in the boat industry. Read more!
22. November, 2019
VIESTI Remote Support solution is from now on called XReach!
27. March, 2018
VIESTI remote support solution allows experts to advise field technicians through live video. The technician shows the problem to the expert with VIESTI mobile app, and together, via VIESTI ExpertHub and video, they can fix the problem faster and smarter.