10. May, 2023
Augmented reality, smart glasses, embedded systems, cloud services – the modern age is a full of options. Remote support solutions are also available but choosing the right one may be difficult. A suitable remote connection platform can have a positive impact on a company’s entire business.
10. April, 2023
The XReach remote support solution is the subject of worldwide interest, and no wonder – the platform enhances work performance and improves productivity. Discover how your company can benefit from remote support.
11. October, 2021
Though ruggedized tablets typically use platforms familiar to workers and can be easy to use, the reality is that the majority of manufacturing employees work with their hands. Using tablets in manufacturing decreases worker productivity and situational awareness. In this webinar, Softability and RealWear will discuss how to tackle the problem and present the solutions available to it.
22. February, 2021
XReach solution is a customizable remote support platform that brings many benefits to different areas of the business. Now XReach also works with RealWear HMT-1 smart glasses, allowing you to work completely hands-free. Read more!