VIESTI Remote Support with Video & AR

Mikko Rauhamäki | 2017/11/17

Softability Studio releases a SmARt Remote Support solution called VIESTI at Slush17 in Helsinki Expo Centre on 1st of December. VIESTI is a collaboration and video streaming solution for industry and services companies seeking new ways to connect field workers and experts anywhere in real-time.

Connect Workers and Experts with VIESTI

VIESTI remote support solution eases collaboration between on-site workers and off-site experts. The worker (e.g. technician) streams live video and audio with a smart phone or smart glasses to the expert, who sees the exact situation at the site, as if she/he almost would visit the jobsite without travelling. Workers can instantly ask expert’s advice when performing complex tasks and the expert can guide the work remotely and mark issues by annotating on top captured image. The expert can provide the worker with live assistance and step by step guidance, pictures and files that help to solve the problems faster.

Video & AR Technology Revolutionize Remote Support

VIESTI enhances the traditional remote support solutions with “see-what-I-see” live-video streaming, video live feed annotation tools and augmented reality (AR) capabilities. VIESTI supports augmented reality technologies and it can be used with mobile devices (Android / iOS) and smart glasses (e.g. ODG R7/R9). VIESTI takes advantage of the latest AR technology enabling 3D model visualization, object tracking and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).

Smart Request Handling System for Experts

VIESTI is a scalable and flexible solution that can be integrated to customer’s own systems. VIESTI is also much more than ordinary video calls. VIESTI includes a support portal for expets. This ExpertHUB enables request handling, user management and authorization. The Expert HUB is a smart system that automatically handles support requests to right experts based on e.g. expert profile, locations, tags or predefined rules. VIESTI stores request related data (pictures, files, tags, text, links and more) to a worklog for possible future use.

Improved Productivity across Functions & Industries

VIESTI is designed for service and industry companies, whose workers operate in several locations and benefit from the remote support in their work e.g. in maintenance, field service, installation, repair, manufacturing, training or inspections. VIESTI is an excellent solution for companies who strive to improve employees’ collaboration and productivity with new technologies. VIESTI helps to solve issues faster. It reduces errors and downtimes, which brings money and times savings for the companies.

We showcase VIESTI at Slush

Would you like to try VIESTI? Please contact our sales and request a demo. Or visit our demo booth A.36 at Slush. We are showcasing VIESTI at Slush on Friday 1st of December.

Welcome to test VIESTI Remote Support solution!

More info / request a demo:
Softability Group Oy, Mikko Luukkonen, +358 50 554 3652, mikko.luukkonen(a)
Softability Group Oy, Tapio Pukkala, +358 40 718 0514, tapio.pukkala(a)


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