AI technologies enable analysing video data from VIESTI remote support solution to improve work safety

Nora Nirhamo | 2021/05/14

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a relevant part of technology industry today! The AI Tomorrow 2019 event in May focuses on presenting business opportunities with AI through real life case examples and Softability will be attending as one of the partners. See you there!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a relevant part of technology industry today! Combined with the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies AI can remarkably enhance business, prevent work related accidents and improve the work environment. Softability is one of the partners in AI Tomorrow 2019 event on 22th – 23rd of May, which focuses on presenting business opportunities with AI through real life case examples. At Softability’s stand you can experience our demos (VIESTI 2.0 remote support solution and work safety) and talk about your company’s technology challenges. See you there!

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a relevant part of technology industry. The purpose of AI is trying to imitate human consciousness and learn to perform tasks. In practice it means machine´s or software’s ability to think and learn. So far machines and software only learn from the code programmed beforehand and are not capable of independent thinking yet, but it is only a matter of time when development gets there.

Machine learning (ML) is a part of AI where software can independently produce wanted results without predefined actions. ML without external control demands the capability to recognize patterns from the data input to it. Consider for example how search engines work.

Artificial intelligence has already been utilized to enhance business in manufacturing, medicine, marketing, data mining and speech recognition.

Improving work safety with AI

Even though many work environments have clear work safety instructions, accidents still happen. Work safety is often well documented, but it is still challenging to manage in many industries. Assuring work safety is crucial especially in places where workers or civilians can get hurt, where there is a chance that insurance will not cover damages, or the damages can lead to lost revenues as projects are on hold or shut down.

In order to improve work safety, one needs to think why accidents happen in the first place. The common reasons are human errors (e.g. neglecting work instructions and equipment, lack of knowledge, working while tired or sick) or defective work instructions and equipment. AI technologies can help prevent work accidents from happening due to such reasons.

Through so called weak AI machines and software can analyze pictures, understand speech, interact with natural ways and make predictions based on data gathered from the environment. For example, Softability has already made plans how to utilize AI in VIESTI remote support solution in order to improve work safety.

VIESTI remote support solution brings together workers and experts with live-video to fasten for example service situations. With AI it is possible to add properties in live-video which improves work safety. In VIESTI this could mean adding AI capabilities that recognize defective or missing work equipment, give more information about surrounding dangerous objects or to warn about other possible safety hazards. This is possible with image recognition where AI is taught to recognize surrounding visual content and inform the user about the results.

The accumulation of data into VIESTI´s ticketing system and AI can together create a valuable work safety system for management. Real time information combined with advanced analytics enables preventing work accidents. AI´s purpose specifically is to make predictive decisions based on the data before they even become problems.

Enhance field work even more with VIESTI 2.0

VIESTI remote support solution connects workers and experts with live-video and audio anywhere in real-time. With VIESTI experts can manage support requests through a ticketing system and guide field workers in various places with clear work instructions.

As we want to offer the best user experience possible to our customers, we have made significant improvements into VIESTI remote support solution. In 2.0 version usability and performance are better, architecture is more robust, it is more reliable, easier to maintain and the version is globally scalable.

VIESTI 2.0 offers a versatile platform to develop new features such as integrations into customer service systems and viewing, monitoring and receiving alerts from devices and sensors (IoT) connected to VIESTI. As a flexible platform VIESTI 2.0 also allows taking advance of X-Reality technologies to visualize work instructions and digital twins (DT), as well as offers object recognition and tracking – in the future. Deploying AI technologies for example in work safety is also possible.

Come and meet us at AI Tomorrow or contact our sales and let’s talk about the technology challenges your company is facing today!


“We feel important to participate in an event where we can get closer to our customers and discuss about their digitalization challenges for which we can offer solutions. Softability is one of the leading providers of X-Reality solutions in Finland. Softability XR Studio develops VIESTI Remote Support Solution, Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications for mobile devices and wearable devices supported by AI solutions.” – Mikko Luukkonen, Solution Sales, Softability Oy


More information

Mikko Luukkonen, Solution Sales, mikko.luukkonen(at)


More information about AI Tomorrow 2019 event:

The focus is to present business opportunities in AI in May – recognize the fields where AI is beneficial and hear what kind of results AI has achieved for companies! There will be over 200 business executives and public sector decision makers present at the event. Participate, network and hear the hottest AI cases from Finland and abroad!”


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